Friday, August 15, 2008

Ripleys, Volvo, UST

Again, I apologize for not having been able to post for a while. I've been preoccupied lately. Just this tuesday, i taped two episodes for my new show "Ripley's Believe it or Not" which lasted for about 5 hours because of all the technical adjustments we had to make. In fact, this delay caused me to arrive extremely late at the press-con for the show at the Mandarin Gateway. And i would like to thank the press for being so patient and accommodating despite that. When i first stepped in the studio, i was really amazed at the set-up! It was definitely more complex as compared to the set of Pinoy Records. Apparently, even the set had to be approved by the US since this is a franchised show. I am really excited about the show because now we could play around more with the spiels given the complexity of the setup where i could even use props while speaking. I remember watching Dean Cain host this show while i was still a kid, and now i'm actually hosting it! I'm very thankful i was the one chosen to do this project. It's going to be my first show alone without a popular co-host like Manny Pacquiao so I'm also quite anxious whether or not it will be successful. Our pilot episode will be this coming Monday, August 18 at around 1030pm before SAKSI, of course, on GMA7. So I do hope that you guys try to catch it :)

Also this week, I officially signed a contract with Volvo as their official spokesperson for their Youth Leadership Program which is part of their corporate social responsibility. This program aims to search and acknowledge the young leaders in the high school ranks in our society that have the potential to make a difference in society today. I really believe that the future of our country depends on us, that's why it's so important to have youth role models today whether in the family, inside the classroom, in our group of friends, in sports or in media. And by the way, i am the now the endorser of the new Volvo C30!

The win against UST yesterday is really important for our bid to finish in the top 2. I don't want to comment much on the game as there are many other blogs that analyze the game play by play. Overall, i am delighted with our performance but i still believe that we can continue to improve in every game as the season comes to a close. For me, i scored my UAAP career high 29 points but very quietly, most of it coming from the free-throw line in the end- game as a result of fouls that had to be committed by UST to give them a chance to cut the lead. Anyhow, I thank the Lord for the victory and for keeping us all injury-free yesterday despite the physical play and hard fouls committed by UST especially on me. But that's all part of the game, so no problem with that! My coaches constantly remind me not to be frustrated about that because everyone will surely play me very physical... and i think the referees know that too. I just hope that you can all continue to pray for a safe, fair and fun UAAP season :)



Anonymous said...

We're surely looking forward for your show, Sir ! We hope it would be a successful show for you along with your Volvo career. :D We really enjoyed watching the UST game !! Close game. Haha. Annd we're really proud you guys scored a lot ! Haha. Looking forward for the game on Sunday :D Good Luuck. One Big Fight ! :))

Anonymous said...

yay! another new post! =) congrats with your win yesterday! 8-1 woohoo!!! hope i'll get to watch one of your games soon before this season ends. =)

life's been really good to you lately Mr. Tiu. and you deserve it ^_^

Anonymous said...

Actually, in the last few seconds of the game... I saw you starting to get a little frustrated with the hard fouls the tigers had on you. and the cheap heel-kick by Canlas was certainly uncalled for! I applaud you for getting back at them the right way - ON THE COURT by making those great shots!

The team did very well against UST and the win is far more convincing than our previous wins!

Good job, Captain and congrats for the 29 points! Hey, not everyone can make 5 successive FT shots like you did. ;)

Anonymous said...

A Pinoy version of Ripley's? COOL! For sure I'll watch every episode! I'm very happy for you Chris. Also, you're very lucky to become the endorser and spokesperson for Vovlo, my how blessed you are!

Congratulations on the game yesterday! It doesn't really matter even if you mostly scored from free throws, you still did your best in every minute that you played in. :)

Good luck on your game against AdU on Sunday. I do hope you get a new personal best. :D

Anonymous said...

Is there anything you cant do? :-) Where you get your energy and focus to be able to do all that you do - AND do it so well, needs to be scientifically studied, documented and cloned. :-D
Good luck with the show (sana earlier or weekend timeslot...), the Volvo gig sounds like a dream come true. You actually get a chance to make a difference (and drive a cool car while doing it!)
And congratulations on the win. You guys really fought hard for it...

Anonymous said...

u played VERY well on that game vs ust. very good at long-range shots, and an almost-perfect form on shooting freethrows. nice job.

Anonymous said...

wow. congrats with the game against ust! although i was not able to watch it because of our exams. hmm. well, congrats also with your endorsement of the volvo and to your new show. :) i hope it will be successful!

Anonymous said...

Congrats in all your triumphs!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new show, endorsement, and of course on the win!

AdMU all the way!

BTW, hope you can blog on what you usually eat (any specific athlete's diet?) Thanks!

Keep it up! =)

Anonymous said...

Hi Chris!
Its great to see that you're involved in so many different things, and yet you haven't lost touch with your love of basketball. Hopefully, young ones can look up to you because you're showing a good example.And from the looks of it, many are...I heard a lot about you from my recent trip to the philippines and will watch out for you on tv-maybe even the NBA hehe. Keep up the good work!!

gretchen =) (from california)

Anonymous said...

Hi chris!

So happy that you finally update your blog! We're really waiting for your new post.

Congratulations on your new show, endorsements and of course, on winning against UST!

Goodluck on your upcoming games. And about your new show, don't worry, we'll support it all the way!

Take care and Godbless! ^_^

Anonymous said...

hi chris! i saw you in SOM mall last wednesday and you were wearing this shirt where all the players' name are on it. where can i buy one? i think it's really nice! good luck this sunday against ADU! go for 30pts. haha.

Anonymous said...

hello chris..:)

really? wow wat an achievement.. congratulations!!:) i will definitely watch it, hehe all of the episodes..:) come to think about it u are superman's counterpart here in the philippines, cool..:) u really deserve all the blessings that God had given u..

As for your win yesterday, congratulations.. yey solo spot as No. 1..:) All i can say is that there is no way dat God will allow evil to succeed, haha sa matamaan na lang..:) You guys will always be in my prayers..:) God bless and take care always..:)

Anonymous said...

hi chris!

thank you so much for your time taking picture with us in your game last saturday against're so nice, thank you so much!

its been a long time since your last post.nice game yesterday,you scored 29 points!

you are really a advocate of community are really a good inspiration to the young are so impressive!.you can be a politician someday!haha!.

i guess you're going to be really busy this coming weeks but i'm still hoping that you update you blog as much as you can.

we are going to support your new show and pinoy records!yehey!

denise said...

hey chris!!! looking forward to see you in Ripleys but please don't enter the world of showbusiness because you will just lose your good image. in my opinion, you should just continue playin or be in the world of business. good luck and let's go eagles!!



Tine<3 said...

My friend and I watched your game against UST, yesterday, we were wearing #17 ATENEO jerseys w/ Tiu on the back =)), because we were really looking forward to watch that game, and the wait was whorth it! I must say it's one of your(the whole Ateneo team) best games!Everyone contributed in a lot of ways. CONGRATULATIONS & GOOD LUCK with EVERYTHING!!:D We'll continue cheering for you guys!!:D-Tine<3

P.S:We were seated at the seats infront of the basket of UST at the 2nd half(:c)and we were screaming our hearts out!! Hahaha:))
l hope you can visit this:

Anonymous said...

OMG! Volvo! you'll become a stupid, shiny volvo owner just like edward cullen of twilight. You probably have no idea what i'm talking about. Well God bless to all the upcoming games and to your new show!

Meryl_17 said...

Hi chris!! Congratulations! U won against UST!!

Hope to watch you in your show., But I can't., It school days., But I will, c to it., that I can watch..

Hope u can win in your next game..

Take Care! God Bless!


psixteen said...

i still hope ud do ur game analysis too. :)

great game, lotsa fouls uncalled for. even my mom noticed how u werent the usual 'happy chris' u usually are---despite the bad calls, uncalled for fouls and all tht. after all, u did play great last thursday.

career high 29pts---i also didnt notice this till the end! u started w ur 3pointers [the longest first fg in a game] early on but i didnt think u made that much points. just some comments...i think u guys should rebound more. second chance pts can help extend the lead. :)

props to NONOY for the great blocks. he is the most improved for me this season. even if he was given fouls which have no real bases, i applaud him for not retalliating.

good luck on sunday.
read the email. thanks for answering the questions. "hi" to tim as well. :)

Unknown said...

hellO again?!
i'll surely watch your shOw..
and congatulations for winning AGAIN!!


Anonymous said...

congrats on everything Chris!
what milk are you drinking? for my kids in the future... haha!

friends, dont forget this Aug. 18 after Telebabad on GMA7...let us all watch Ripley's Believe It or Not. ;)

Anonymous said...

OMG. You are not! :| :))
Oh well, good for you. :)

Volvo C30! Edward Cullen`s car. (At least, in the movie) woohoo! :) Love it.

Good luck, Sir.
Hope your show will be a hit:)

Be Safe. More blessings. Xo.

PS. I`ll watch LS-ADMU:]

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward for your new show!

congrats poh...

and good luck sa UAAP...


Nette said...

Hi chris!..congrats again!..

I can't count how many times you fell on the floor yesterday..that game is so physical and I salute you for your patience!..

Thanks for your time to take some pics with us!.. dapat kami ang nag thanks sayo, but ikaw pa nag thanks sa amin.. humble ka tlaga!..

and umiilaw ang personality mo kapag close and personal ha..hehe!..tingin ko nga may halo ka sa ulo ehh..haha!..

it only means that your pure heart reflects outside..parang rebound ba..hehe!

goodluck sa next game!

Godspeed for the blue eagles!

MiTch said...

Of course Chris, I'm going to watch your show and for sure, all your supporters will watch it too.
Congrats for another hard-fought win against the growling tigers yesterday. I also observed that they're playing too physical and the worst is that they gave you a hard foul to the point that you fell on the floor many times. Thank God that you and your team mates are still safe. Hopefully, the kick on you will not happen again. Congrats also for being a new endorser of Volvo!
And thanks for being a role model for us. =)

MiTch said...

Congrats din for getting a new career high!!!
Too many things for me to congratulate you. Well, cause you deserve it chris!:)
Take care always.

Anonymous said...

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'm super excited na about your show!!!!!!!!! HEHEHE!! Ei, gud luck to your upcoming games in the UAAP!

God Bless!

Anonymous said...

what more can i say than congratulations :)

keep it up captain

antonette said...

Hello. I blog about you and as a result, two young ladies posted comments, possibly thinking it was your blog they were visiting. If you notice, I wrote two "young" ladies. I am a mom of a Sophomore college young man in Ateneo, also taking ME and I am an ME graduate myself. Very proud of your achievements and the example you set for the rest of the Filipino youth. Hope the Blue Eagles win the championship on your last year!

Pariang Girl said...

why is it that youre show is so late at night?but dont worry,i will try my best to watch it even if my classes starts at 7:oo am..hehe..gudluck and keep the ateneo spirit alive!!

Anonymous said...

hi chris!! nice game!!yehey!!8-1!!hehe..

..congrats on your new show..:) i'll surely watch it..:)'re really a great role model to everyone..continue to be an inspiration to hard in every game!!:)

..take care always..goodluck on your next game.. big fight..xD

Pariang Girl said...

hey..youre really good in shooting especially in the three point line..keep it up!i thought youre going to have a drama series or something?but why not?well i hope you can gain the championship we all wished for..goodluck mr.tiu!!fly high blue eagles!!

Anonymous said...

hi chris!! nice game!!yehey!!8-1!!hehe..

..congrats on your new show..:) i'll surely watch it..:)'re really a great role model to everyone..continue to be an inspiration to hard in every game!!:)

..take care always..goodluck on your next game.. big fight..xD

Anonymous said...

congrats chris!! wow! new show.. i cant wait to watch that.

good luck in everything you do and God bless!


Anonymous said...

Hello Chris! Congratulations to you and the whole ADMU team for the win yesterday! I really really think that we have a good chance making it to the finals this season and it pains me to leave for my JTA soon since I won't be able to watch the championship games (hopefully!!!) live! But anyhow, my prayers are still with you and everyone!

nurse jane said...

wow! endorser of Volvo? Bravo!=D
You're really an achiever!
With all these blessings, humility runs into your system...
That's why you're blessed!
I'm proud to be a-TIU-nista!
Masarap maging a-TIU-nista!^o~

Anonymous said...

We'll continue to support your newest show, especially now that its your first solo project on GMA. We'll pray for the success of your show.

I also like to congratulate you and the whole Ateneo Blue Eagles team for winning over your oponents! God is always with you!


Unknown said...

congratulations chris... are you also going to have a volvo?

Anonymous said...

Eagles game vs UST is a great game! And you also kept your cool after that "incident".

Congratulations for all the blessings coming your way Chris!

Anonymous said...

Hi Chris,

you're really someone to look up to! You're really great. I salute you for being an inspiration to the youth..


Anonymous said...

mr. tiu, I will surely watch Ripley's on monday!
congratulations for yesterday's win!
goodluck, i hope the eagles win this season!

Anonymous said...

your show will surely be a hit Chris! I promise to watch, even if we are going to have our midterms next week, haha! Not to mention being an endorser of a car?! wah! ur totally unreachable. =))

anyhow, thank God nothing worse happened to you. I kept praying in every game of yours to keep you safe,
and free for unforeseen incidents. =)
im so happy for your win Chris!
u've worked extremely hard for it. keep the spirit of MAGIS!

One Big Fight! -diane

Unknown said...

I was really waiting for your post. I am so happy to hear from you alas!

Good to hear that you are having the time of your life. I'll be watching all your shows especially Ripley's.

For the Volvo C30 model, does that mean you have the chance to own one??

I was disappointed with the way the UST treated you. I was annoyed with Dylan Ababou, especially when you were asking the ball from him during a foul was called. He just played with the ball and throwed it to the referee instead giving it to you. I was amazed that Franciz Allera(who happens to be my neighbor) was the one guarding you. It was a bit of a mismatch since he's 6'3" tall and you are about 5'11".

Good luck with your upcoming games! OBF! LOL :D

greenpixies said...

you can count on me! I will always support you no matter what you do! And that was one of the great games you guys played! Keep me intense all through out the game! Good Luck with your new show! Don't worry it will be a sure HIT! And Ateneo will be the CHAMPION this year! :))


Anonymous said...

"Ateneo’s team captain waxed hot right from tip-off, scattering 6 out of their team’s first 8 points, coming from twin booming triples. If these initial shots were any indication of the kind of game Tiu would dish out all contest long, no other signal was better. Chris’ innate value to the team is he knows what to do, when to do it. He does not have to score a lot every game in order to be truly effective.

This is a mark of a true leader. He makes his teammates better. While others shun responsibility, he welcomes it. He does not look for the spot light, nor bask in attention. He simply does his job, simple, unperturbed, his way."

-by Tyrone Emmanuel I. Limon

'i was so captivated by his words. it was indeed true =)

Anonymous said...

i love you, mr. tiu! :P

♥`ツShe_Annツ`♥ said...

Hi chris, just want to say congrats to all of your success.

Congrats to your new show, I will definetly watch it...

As a new endorser of Volvo.. :)

And of course for winning the game yesterday... You really did a great job...

Congrats again.. Keep it up..
Godbless... :)

Anonymous said...

woah... GREAT performance in UAAP, new show, new endorsement!!!??

things are really going smoothly for you!!! Especially with the basketball career and "SHOWBIZ??" career!! Thats really good!

And yeah... I'm sure your new show would be a big hit! So many fans would stay up late just for it! I really wish I could watch it here also! :( but oh well...


i pray NO ONE would get injured...

Helene said...

hey with all the stuffs going on in your life right now, I know UAAP crown is still your priority and as a basketball fan, i should say you are really improving as player and as a team leader. As long as you, rabeeh, eric and ryan continue to play well then there will be more offensive options for Ateneo.Unlike La Salle, if JV plays at the point, they will cut their offensive shots.Ofcourse its a given that you will be guarded toughly but just the same, if you can't create for yourself, create for others.Jai's doing pretty well right now i hope he'll continue that kind of game he's playing.As for Nonoy, well he seems at ease with his role in the team (defense specialist) but I hope he'll become an offensive option too.

I hope to see more action from you guys.Play it tougher.

Anonymous said...

congrats and yep, all the people in our dorm will watch your show. it's already on our "to do" lists :))

You guys deserve to be in the Top 2.
:)) God Bless you!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Lets go all the way to the Championship. You guys can do it!

Anonymous said...

You are so blessed with all these oppurtunities coming your way. Only few are given the chance to be in the different fields all at the same time, just like what you are in right now.

Please give acting a shot. A movie or an episode of a mini-series would be fine. Just give it a try.

Anonymous said...

Kuya Chris, (w/ all due respect if you doesn’t mind:])

My first impression in your blog — ‘COOL!’

I just learned this blog site of yours just recently.. (just couple of days ago, to be exact)

Actually, I didn’t expect that you still have time for this kind of stuff.

Obviously, because of your hectic schedule such as practices of your ball games [and probably of your ball games] taping of your show/s, and your studies. Sounds tiring ..x_x

Those thoughts were lingering you everytime.. I think, that’s the reason why sometimes when you tend to study your lessons, it seems that it isn’t absorbing well..:)

Well I’m not that pretty sure, because after all, I’m not CHRIS TIU :)

Kuya Chris, I hope you’ll be victorious for your other upcoming games (most significantly, w/ the game of ATENEO VS. LA SALLE) I WOULD WATCH IT LIVE IF POSSIBLE:)

..Good Luck and God bless!



Anonymous said...

Hmm...Will I be hearing from you the famous last line from that show? "Believe it?" That's it, diba? It has been so long since I've watched a Ripley episode, and I specifically remember the castle and the fire and the props!

By the way, congrats on your team's eight win of the season... It was sort of sayang, kasi I think you only missed one free throw. But it was a great game for you. You were more aggressive, and I like that your three point shots are going in.

Keep up the good work! May God continue to bless you!

Anonymous said...

sayang naman po ,..... i really wanna watch your new show,.. but it's kinda late na po ,..... by 10 po kasi tulog na ako para sa classes ko para sa next day sa PCC,.... hope you'll be able to reschedule your show ng mas maaga,... euhn lahn po ,.... Godbless

Anonymous said...

things are going good for yoU! :)) congrats sa lahat.
my friends and I are excited to watch Ripleys! :)) goodluck .

Anonymous said...

Bonjour, M. Chris! I saw the teasers for your new show. I hope that this will be a successful one. Also, congratulations to your win vs. UST. Keep it up, Chris, and the same goes to your teammates. Bonne chance and Godspeed! :)

nette said...

good job! galing!

Anonymous said...

Chris, nag-start na ba yung bago mong show??

Bakit 10:30 pm yung time nya? Super late na yun.. How sad naman.. Sana mas maaga yun kahit mga 7:30 pm man lang..

But I'll try my best to watch your show..

Sige good luck sa new show mo..

joy said...

you have a new show pala...

Congrats, for winning against the UST Growling Tigers... even if it means thst you had beaten my former alma mater ;)

It's sad because I failed to catch the game live because of my immersion, i'm in my senior year of college now. It had been a year or so already since, I've got the chance to talk to you personally..

P-chy (crazypeach) said...

Omo..I won't be able to watch your show during Mondays!!!! Huhu! I have a night shift at work that starts at frustrating! I've been looking forward for it. If only I can watch TV at work...hihi!!!

CONGRATS to your new show, new endorsement and for you super great performance in your last game!!!! ^_^ Saranghaeyo!!! ^_^

Anonymous said...

Hi! Good luck to your new show and I hope I can watch it kasi monday po yun e, di po akma sa sched ko! By the way, I went po to Ateneo last friday lang, I saw Kirk! Hehe! :) Kasi sinubmit ko po yung application form ko... I hope makapasa po ako! And good luck also to your game vs. UE on Aug. 21..That's my birthday kasi e! Hehe!
Congratz po pala sa game nyo vs. UST! Champ of the game! :)

ainan said...

Mr. Tiu, count me in as one of your patrons to watch your show, I watched your game against UST and I'm so happy it turned out well, all the physical defense against you was worth paid off, and don't be so sorry If you can't post for a long period of time, we understood that you have a very rigid and busy schedule...I'll pray for your success. "kudos"

mayenne said...

Chris, congratulations on winning against us. You were really good at making 3 point shots. I was really impressed even though I'm from UST. It proved that you deserve the title of being the captain of the team. I think too that you shouldn't be frustrated because from my point of view all teams will be playing physically especially with you because you are really good in playing basketball. But I don't think any of them wants you to have an injury and not to be able to play for Ateneo. Because not having you in Ateneo will be less challenging for everyone. It will cause less excitement. And by the way, Rabeh did very well. I was really impressed with your game against us. I hope that you'll continue to play this kind of game. And that you and your teammates will be safe from any injury. Keep up the good work. Take Care and Godbless.

Anyway, I'll be watching you on your new show. Congrats with this new project.

Is the Volvo C30 a sedan or an SUV? Is it a sports car? Sorry for asking. I also love cars eh.

Congratulations again for your recent achievements!!

I just want to share, my friends are already confused with where my loyalty lies. Does is it lie in ADMU? or in UST? I don't know. Animo Ateneo!!

dollyxzh said...

another win for your team..
congratulations yet again captain..
you really deserved to be well applauded to especially becoming a solo host for a new tv program which i am hoping to watch but unfortunately cannot due to my duty schedule..
i was hoping i could watch it but then again i have my graveyard shift for my duty (you know student nurses scheds are really deadly, ahahah..)
but im gonna watch the game tomorrow, hopefuly?
when can i ever watch any of your show or game??
it seems like not this time but before this uaap season ends ill surely make it possible to watch atleast a live game of yours..
and maybe i could get a picture with you, is it possible?
hehehe.. =]

oh oh i dont know how or where i could read your reply about that.. hehehe..
but anyway..
i salute to another achievement of your team!
keep up the good work captain..

ateneo all the way! =]


dollyxzh said...

another win for your team..
congratulations yet again captain..
you really deserved to be well applauded to especially becoming a solo host for a new tv program which i am hoping to watch but unfortunately cannot due to my duty schedule..
i was hoping i could watch it but then again i have my graveyard shift for my duty (you know student nurses scheds are really deadly, ahahah..)
but im gonna watch the game tomorrow, hopefuly?
when can i ever watch any of your show or game??
it seems like not this time but before this uaap season ends ill surely make it possible to watch atleast a live game of yours..
and maybe i could get a picture with you, is it possible?
hehehe.. =]

oh oh i dont know how or where i could read your reply about that.. hehehe..
but anyway..
i salute to another achievement of your team!
keep up the good work captain..

ateneo all the way! =]


dollyxzh said...

captain tiu..
i finally watched your pinoy records today..
so glad i did..
that's about it..

God speed on your game tomorrow..
aja! aja!


Anonymous said...

hi chris. oo nga, napapansin ko rin na ikaw ng ikaw yung natutumba. pero kahit ganun, bangon ka pa rin. :) congrats on the win.

hoping that you guys go all the way in the UAAP :)

claire said...

congrats for the win, show and volvo endorsement.. i wasn't able to watch your game vs. ust, but i kept on asking my friends for some updates.. congrats again and continue to be a good model for every youth..

i saw the teaser and its so sad that i cant watch your show.. i'll just wait in youtube na lang..hehehe..


Anonymous said...

hi... congrats... ur really blessed.. hope to c u in person again :) god bless

lea said...

hi... congrats another achievement 4 u ;)you really are so blessed... keep up the good work! god bless ;)

Anonymous said...

Sir! :p
you had a nice game last thursday vs ust...congrats!!!
by the way, i believe that you are a living proof of the common saying "NO EXCUSES"...
and with your undoubtingly good personality and pure heart, i am sure that you will be even blessed more...
honestly, i am really impressed with how you continue to be the best in everything you do despite your "very" tight schedule, you are really one-of-a-kind...
just continue to be a blessing to others, kudos!...(",)

Anonymous said...

Hi! kuya chris tiu :)
I'm so glad to know and be informed that you now have your online social sharing about the happenings in your life.(hehe) Anyway, I just want you to know that I admire your great skills in basketball, your outstanding career(I usually find time to watch your show with Manny Pacquiao.hehe) and mostly,your down-to-earth attitude. :) If you could remember, I once took a picture
with you at Moro Lorenzo Gym last year (Sept. something) when you eventually had your training/ practice with your teammates.hehe ! And still I have it with me(share) =). Thanks for giving me some time and effort to *smile despite of your tiring and exhausting day.haha! Stop the drama.I'm just so glad to comment here.!

Congratulations for the wins in your previous games and goodluck for the next more matches to come.!
I've been supporting every game of BLUE EAGLES! :))) I try to watch every game in TV, though I want it live at Araneta/Ultra, well, I've experienced twice last year :) and it's very fun to be with and to feel the spirit of die-hard ATENEAN FANATICS and BLUE-blooded eagles! hehe !

I'd loved to be an Atenean someday :) Hopefully.

goodluck kuya chris!
make and give the best for your last year in ADMU? (maybe not)
I hope and I believe that EAGLES can make it through! I'll pray
for the next games to come !

Take Care Kuya Chris Tiu.


SHARE: I've been your avid fan since last year :D hihi! I believe in you kuya ! More power for you and for the team !

tel :)

pox_garcia said...

hi chris congrats for all the endorsements that u get & for the new show & also straight wins of team ateneo,jz want to ask cno program manager ng ripley's is it ms.reggie?

Anonymous said...

hey chris! congratulations for all your achievements! :)

i'm so happy that you have a new blog entry. keep it up.

tiunatics will surelysupport you're new show. :D

Anonymous said...

good luck to your new show!..:)
i will try my best to watch it always, and that's for sure!..:)
hope it will be successful even if the airing time is late already. and also to your Volvo career.

by the way,i will be watching your game again later at ultra. hope you'll win over AdU (am i right?!..)
just do your best and don't forget to pray.

I believed in you. :)

aww.. it's just sad because i can't find my comment on your birthday entry.

simplytoogood17 said...

hei chris... hope still remember me... good games dude! but last thursday i didn't get the chance to watch the game.... because of school i went home 6:30 in the evening because of my math test... but i hope its going to be worth it... well good luck and GOD BLESS for everything... im so ezcited to watch the game today and also ripley's for tomorrow night!!!! tc olways chris!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Congrats on your game vs. ust. You're certainly one of a kind Mr. Tiu.=) I felt sorry I was not able to watch it because of our exams.

More power and good luck!=)

Anonymous said...

wow!!! it's really a great opportunity for u to host ripley's believe or not. and not just that u'r also playing at UAAP.. u'r sched is so hectic.. well hope to see u also doing a movie.. hehehe =)

Anonymous said...

i'll be looking forward to watch you on your new show. goodluck on all your future endeavors. hope you do get the UAAP championship! and keep on being a role model to the youth. keep on inspiring people, like how you've inspired me. thanks! ^_^

Anonymous said...

I'm sure your new show would be a success with or without a co-host ;) God bless!

Roeyna May Famisaran said...

all of, ur fans, will surely support your show. We'll support you all throughout the way. and don't worry. i'll pray for a safe and fair UAAP compettition.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ahya Chris! (Am I correct?)
It was kinda disappointing that you weren't that VISIBLE in your ball game earlier with Adamson.

But it's okay! At least you've won. :D

Congrats to your new show and new endorsement. You're really having numerous benediction, huh? :D

I'll keep on praying for Ateneo's victory this season! GO ATENEO!

Anonymous said...

Hey Chris. :)
I'm from Assumption Antipolo and you sure have a lot of supporters. I've been watching the games in Ultra and Araneta, you're so good. Haha! We'll miss you when you graduate. :( Btw, do you own a Volvo? Ooh, I'm watching your game versus Adamson right now. My dad recorded it too like your Mom. :D Heehee. LOVE YOU CHRIS! :D You're in my blog, btw. :D

Anonymous said...

congratulations on your victory against adu. you didn't show up after the game! ugh.

Anonymous said...

hi congrats! you really are so blessed ;) keep up the good work! god bless!

deboz said...

hi chris!
i am really a solid kapamilya but..
i will also support your upcoming show (ripleys) in gma.Congratulations for winning against Ust(last thursday) and AdU (just this afternoon).cant wait to see you and the rest of ur team here in cagayan de Oro this december for the xavier days.=)

keep up the good work you guys!

Leanne said...

Hi Chris :) Congratulations! tomorrow night na and I'll definitely watch it :) Ingat palagi and God bless..


simplytoogood17 said...

hei mr. christopher...... you won! again.... you had a great game yesterday..... just wanna say GOD BLESS for your pilot episode later... i'll be watching...hahaha... GOD BLESS once again... tc olwayz....

Anonymous said...

i will really watch that. i promise! even if i have a 7am class the following day! ahahha!! ahm what are your plans after u graduate in UAAP??

Anonymous said...

hi chris!
congrats for your win over adamson!
hands down to rabeh!
he was soooo good as always!haha

goodluck on your new show!
i hope i could watch it but it's kinda late. haha

nweiz, still looking forward to watch you play live! goodluck on your next game! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna watch it for sure! I'm quite new here in your blog, kuya. I do enjoy reading your entries. I'm looking forward for your next blog! Take care!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

wow. tight schedule huh?
thanks for sparing time to sign the picture i sent. too bad the pen isn't working well..the ink smudged too.T-T
thankyou, thankyou.
i really appreciated it. You made me extremely happy.=D
goodluck and Godbless on your new projects.
Congratulations for your UAAP victories.
One Big Fight!=)

Anonymous said...

congrats for winning against adamson yesterday but i noticed you didn't play much. did something happen? by the way, good luck for your show later and for your game on thursday! :) go for 10-1 blue eagles! :D

Anonymous said...

actually i was really looking forward for your show,..ahaha^^ grabe,tagal kong hinintay un eh.. ahmm,.. don't worry cgurado mrame tlaga magsusupport sa show mo..
and i wish na mkapagpost ka ulet sa blog mo..:)) GODBLESS!! ay.! sana iguide kayo ni Lord sa mga next nio pa na games.. cge..tytyty..^__^

- nicolette..

Glaiza said...

gud luck to your next game with red warriors... Ang galing tlga ni Salamat, Rabeh, and Baclao.... sympre pati ikaw.... Mdyo phsical nga maglaro ang UST kht nung sunda ung laban nila sa FEU buti na lang nanalo pa rin ang Tamaraws... Second favorite ko un eh... Sympre una ang Eagles... Sana kau mgharap sa finals.... Gud Luck sa game

Anonymous said...

hey. ;]
caught the pilot episode of ripley's..
did you really eat that? ;|

Anonymous said...

kumain po ba talaga kayo ng uod dun sa Ripley's?

Unknown said...

congratulations so a successful first episode of Ripley's the set is so cool and you were so cool... your hosting was great... inflections in your voice, how your lines was thrown... everything... one question though... did you really eat the worms? i kinda froze in that part... can you enlighten us?

Anonymous said...

Hello Mr. Chris Tiu!
Congrats on your new show!
Gumagaling ka na nga sa hosting.
Keep it up!
Anong lasa ng edible worm? Hehe.

Godspeed sa'yo!


Nette said...

did you really eat the worm?..

kaw naman kuya chris..kakauwi ko lang from work and im in a rush to catch your new show..and im havin a late dinner when i saw you eat that worm..hehe!..puro uod yun napanood ko!

congrats again!

Godspeed Chris!

deboz said...

whoa! were the worms delicious?=)

congratulations chris!

ripleys is just perfect for you!

Goodluck to your match against UE this coming Thursday!

God Bless you and the rest of your team!

toshi123 said...

Hi Chris! Very good job in your pilot episode of Ripley's! I was so surprised that the staff let you eat live worms! Hehehehe. Your pilot sets the tone for your future episodes. And also, congrats for winning against UST as well. I'm pretty sure makakasama kayo sa Final 4. I personally know one of your Segment Producers in Ripley's, Liv Cuenca. Send my regards to her =)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Hi Chris! I watched your show last night. Very informative. I just have a question and I hope this won't bother you that much. How do the worms taste like? It's the first time that I saw someone doing that.

Merci beaucoup! Bonne chance to your shows and games! :)

Anonymous said...

hello, chris!

congratulations to your new show. the videos are really unbelievable and your hosting is improving...

good luck to blue eagles! admu will play against ue right?

One Big Fight!

Angelle :) said...

Hi Chris! :)

congrats on winning against UST. although i wasn'n able to watch it kasi i was in school pa. but i heard you played great! CONGRATULATIONS! one big fight! go ateneo!

and also, wow. the new endorser of the volvo car. i've been reding the twilight saga, and yeah that was edward cullen's car. hahaha. congrats again for that! you're a really good role model for the youth.

and i was able to watch Ripley's pilot episode last night. and i agree, the set looks awesome. and good hosting! :)i was shocked when you ate that salad with worms. did you really eat the worms? im just curious :D

congrats again for all your achievements Chris! :) i know you deserve everything that you have right now. may god bless you always. goodluck in the ongoing uaap season. one big fight! GO ATENEO!

--angelle :)

Anonymous said...

wow!congrats on the UST and AdU victories! 29 points against UST! wow!!!! what a performance! your finest so far! i'm soooo proud of you guys! we haven't swept UST in the elims for years huh..and i'm so happy all of you are improving each game! your 3pt. shooting has gotten much better than it was during round 1..i hope you'll always play with the same intensity..i really feel you're up for a championship battle should you continue playing the way you are right now! are expectations get higher woth every win! i hope you guys won't disappoint us..=) i'll support the blue eagles win or lose! just don't mind the physical plays thrown at you..well, it just means they recognize how dangerous you could be..i know you won't stoop down to their level! =p
god bless and best of luck!
congrats on your new show, ripley's believe or not!
love yah!xoxo..


Anonymous said...

totoong uod ba or baka gummy worms lang kinain ninyo? hehe, masarap?

Anonymous said...

“The Eagle—fiery, majestic, whose kingdom is the virgin sky, is swift in pursuit, terrible in battle. He is a king—a fighting king… And thus he was chosen—to soar with scholar’s thought and word high into the regions of truth and excellence, to flap his glorious wings and cast his ominous shadow below, even as the student crusader would instill fear in those who would battle against the Cross. And so he was chosen—to fly with the fleet limbs of the cinder pacer, to swoop down with the Blue gladiator into the arena of sporting combat and with him to fight—and keep on fighting till brilliant victory, or honorable defeat. And so he was chosen—to perch on the Shield of Loyola, to be the symbol of all things honorable, even as the Great Eagle is perched on the American escutcheon, to be the guardian of liberty. And so he was chosen—and he lives, not only in body to soar over his campus aerie, but in spirit, in the Ateneo Spirit… For he flies high, and he is a fighter, and he is King!”

- On Wings of Blue

Anonymous said...

..ang ganda poh nung show..!!kaso ang bilis..!!magaling na host na poh talaga kayo ah..!!hehe..

...hmm..mas ok poh ngayon..mas mahaba na exposure niyo..ang saya..!!

Henna Rose said...

kuya chris [with all due repect:]

i must really admit.. it's ripley's isn't good.

it's actually the best!

you showed a lot of improvement in your hosting job..

and i hope you'll always wear eyeglasses because you're much cuter with it!

i also hope this thursday would be an ateneo favor!:]

but what i'm really waiting is your upcoming fight with la salle..

actually, my brother supports La Salle..

but then.. i'm stucked with ateneo..

there's no way he can change me..

goodluck for your other games!

i hope you could bag out the championship title..


[a big fan of chris tiu!]


Anonymous said...

ohhh...i missed the first episode last night..i fell asleep..T.T i hope someone uploads it in youtube... i'll make sure to watch the next eps...good luck with your new show and your games too...^_^

Anonymous said...

I have a question. Please answer this in your next entry.

What role or project what make you finally say yes to acting? I mean, a project that you would never resist?

Anonymous said...

wow..! you did a great job in hosting the ripley's..! haha ^^ gleng gleng.. and oh, gudluck pla sa mga next na games ng ateneo..wish you and the whole ADMU blue eagles the best..!
GODBLESS!^__^ always

- nicolette :)

mayenne said...

Did you really ate the worms? I was kinda shock with that part.

By the way, you really did great on your hosting in Ripley's. And you look good with those eye glasses on.

Go Chris!!:)

eldy said...

chris you really have a talent in hosting! =) you're so cool when I watched the pilot episode of ripleys last night! Congratulations! And wow you're also the spokesperson and endorser of volvo! =) Godbless always Chris! :D

marphs17 said...

ganda ng RIPLEY'S!!
sulit pop ala ang pagpupuyat..hehehe..
kinain u po ba tlaga ung leaves/lettuce na may uod ata yun??
ang laki rin po ng improvement niya as a host..
godbless sa show(=

Anonymous said...

may you request to make the time of your show earlier or maybe make it on weekends 'coz i want to watch it but i can't because of the time. thnx! God Bless

Anonymous said...

I commented on the wrong entry! Haha! Anyway, I took some pictures of the ADMU-AdU game.

They're in

Congrats again, OBF! =D

Anonymous said...

I commented on the wrong entry! Haha! Anyway, I took some pictures of the ADMU-AdU game.

They're in

Congrats again, OBF! =D

Anonymous said...

hey chris. ganda nung pilot episode ng ripley's. the set was a lot different tlaga. i was kinda shocked on the last part when you ate the worms. di ko ineexpect. hehe. congrats for winning against adamson. goodluck on your game on thursday! :)

Anonymous said...

hi, chris! :)
i watched the pilot episode of ripley's last night. the videos surely were creepy but exciting!
& you really ate those worms? whew! ;D btw, w/ or w/o eyeglasses you're still very handsome & appealing! ;)
i'm very much looking forward to the next ateneo-la salle game. wooh! will it be on the 6th of sept.?
i hope you'd have another stunning performance & eventually lead the eagles to the promised land.ü
i know you have a hectic schedule, but please, pretty please, try to post as often as you could because this is my way of updating on you & knowing how you were these past few days since i really am a die-hard fan of yours, swear! :))
stay the same, please. many admire you for being the "cool guy" on-court. you've developed this sense of leadership to your team mates & you're surely a great inspiration to them. :]
even though other teams' defense would be tough on you, just stay calm, cool & collected. they know you're the king eagle & they're very much aware of your skills & talents. =)
we will all continue supporting the ateneo blue eagles & of course you & your career as host and endorser. :)
i am praying for your safety & good health all the time..ü
good luck! go ateneo, one big fight! :]

mumai said...

hey chris! congrats on your new show and endorsement... im just curious.. masarap buh ung worms?.. haha!.. goodluck on thurs!

Anonymous said...

..whew! im glad u have this blogspot..
..congratulations with your new Kapuso show..
..and also for winning the last 2 games (UST & AdU)..
i really enjoy the fight against UST and my voice ran out after the game..haha..nweiz, its really worth =)..
..goodluck on your game tomorrow! hope i could catch it again after really looking forward to it!!
..i always watch it live..
..hay! ur my TIUperman..i swear..hope to meet u one day..FACE-TO-FACE..

i know that you'll be this season's champ!


♥jen♥ said...

hi Chris!
Congratulations to your game last sunday against the falcons. you're truly unbeatable guyz. just kip up the goOd work & i know that u can make it to the finals. goodluck on your game on thursday against the red warriOrs & on sunday against the maroons. exciting n nmn ang game s thursday. sana mglaro k s sunday kc mnonood kmi ng sis kO s araneta. alumna kc ang sis ko ng up diliman kya she wants to watch the game. of course, s bLue eagLes ako! talu-talo muna kmi. heheheh!
so excited to finally see u in person. almost 4 hours dn ang byahe nmin from bataan but its okay kc im gonna watch the game live at ndi lng s tv.
btw, ganda ng pilot episode nyo ng ripley's.
gOd bLess...
take care!

ey key ow said...

Waw am i so glad to know you have an account here!

We came home late last Monday from our province, though I was so tired I still managed to watch your show.. I had my alarm clock set at 10:45 but I failed to hear it coz I was really tired haha.. So my mom woke me up when the show started. You look verrry nice in those glasses.. oh my!

Congrats for winning against my alma mater haha and for being the endorser of Volvo. Good luck to your upcoming games!

You have been my crush since i was in high school until now.. And your jersey number has been my fave number ever since. I even used it in my email add.

I've only seen you once, last year after your game with ust, i think that was Aug30.. hope i'll get to see you again.. Ingat lagi! xOxOx


at least know i know this one is genuine! hehe...ang dami naman kcng pekeng social account ni chris tiu eh...parang adik lng ung iba...halatang peke...well, good luck sa career especially sa hosting!

.~.7teentwenty4.~. said...

hi Mr. Tiu! It's me again, CRISEL MENDOZA hehe.. yipee! Ateneo won again last sunday against Adamson..! 9-1 na!! make it 10-1 na in your next game haha..!:p I've watched the pilot episode of your new show "Ripley's Believe it or Not" last Monday.. and I must say that you did a great job! [ang cute mo nga mag-salita ng Tagalog hehe..may pagka-slang ng konti.. c:] did you really ate the worms in your salad? how's the taste? hehehe.. and would you believe..? [it or not? hehe..] i recorded it in my cellphone..hehe.. so that i could be able to watch IT all over again..haha! Congrats again chris on your new show, endorsement and on the win of ADMU.. make it 10-1 na ha!! hehe..

Godbless on your studies and career!!


Anonymous said...

ei mr. chris... ang galing nyo po tlagang maghost!!! hehehehe! gud luck sa coming games!! godspeed!

Anonymous said...

ei... ive watch the pilot episode of ur show.. tlagang i alarmed my cp jaz to be awake by 11 pm... hehe! good job po... ang gling nyo pong mg host..."believe it or not!!!"..hehe!
mr. chris.. totoo bng kinain nyo ung edible worms? hindi po ba mjo...know what i mean!
lam nyo po,, ginagaya kau nung pinsan ko.. hehehe! katuwa di ba...
mr. chris,, bat di nyo po pinopost yung mga comments ko sa inyo?...sad nanman po ako dun...sana itong isang to, ipost nyo na...kip up the good work! godspeed!

Anonymous said...

hey chris!

ahmm, i just want to ask something....







hehehe, sori 4 asking...its just that my bro and i kept arguing about that matter...

nice start for a great show!

God speed!

and goodluck on your endorsements, hehehe!

Anonymous said...

hi there i've watched ur pilot episode for ripley's last monday together with my mom and it's great to see u there ;) congrats for winning last thursday & sunday and i'l pray for ur victory tomorrow (n_n)
hopefuly i'l be able to watch u guys play again live probably against la salle hehehe i'm really looking forward to that ;)
god bless u always & ur team as well :)


Anonymous said...

love u, chris.

ur maroon fan here...

simplytoogood17 said...

OMG!!!! you ate worms!!! what does it taste like? yummy??? so disgusting the worms were used as "doctors".... and i cant believe the pastor/scientist he was like playing with death.... but as we all know the show was terrific... you looked professional when your wearing glasses my cousin even agreed with that FACT.... you looked like as if your not a basketball player... well, GOD BLESS to all happenings to come in your life and i hope you'll come to cebu someday... if ever your planning please naman inform ur fans especially me... hehehe i hope that not only you but the entire team.... i can say i am true-blue atenista in heart but not in school... hope you'll get the crown this year in UAAP!!! tc olwayz mr. christopher....

Anonymous said...

hi mr. tiu..

miel again here..

..i saw your latest billboard of hanford along boni ave to guadalupe..

gosh! congrats! you are truly a head-turner! i always got mesmerized whenever i see u, may it be in pictures or during UAAP fights..hayyy..

will you be at Market! Market! on Aug. 31 for the PBA Rookie Draft? I hope so..


miel rosalinas

Anonymous said...

hello! :)
you have a game vs ue tomorrow right?
hmm. i hope i could get home on time to catch the game. :( good luck! =)
i miss reading your posts. i check your blog everyday. i hope you could post more about your personal life- your family, friends, relatives, etc. we all wanna get to know you more, up close & personal. :D
be safe.. God bless you!
soar high, king eagle! :)

Anonymous said...

congrats on the pilot episode of ripley's :) i believe you gave justice to the hosting thing. you've improved a lot from the first time i saw you do your hosting on pinoy records. keep it up chris!

i kinda like ripley's more coz we get to see you in a different light, i mean..the show gets to make you do stuff that we don't normally see you doing or hear you saying like eating worms (i wonder, did you really eat those???hehe) and throwing some punchlines..

by the way, does this mean that you're not going to co-host pinoy records with manny pacquiao anymore?

nette said...

haha! sarap ng edible worm? i tried that too! i dared my birthday party to have this weird rule: no one should mention my name during the party. if one does it, he/she should eat 3 worms. hmmm, that was fun. share ko lang. =)

Anonymous said...

Programa ni Chris Tiu, wagi sa ratings

MAGANDA ang pagsisimula ng ‘Bilib Ka Ba Nights’ ng GMA 7 noong Lunes sa pamamagitan ng Ripley’s Believe It Or Not na hino-host ni Chris Tiu.
Umariba rin sa ratings ang World Records na nagsimula noong Martes sa pagho-host ni Paolo Contis.
Narito ang Mega-Manila overnight ratings ng mga programa ng GMA 7 at ABS-CBN 2 nu’ng nakaraang weekend.

SABADO (Agosto 16):

Pinoy Records 19.4% vs. That’s My Doc 16.9%;

LUNES (Agosto 18):

Ripley’s Believe It or Not 17.7% vs. Bandila 8.6%;

Anonymous said...

helo chris..:)

i watched the show pala last Monday..;) haha my mama said dat ur good looking tlaga, ya she stayed up to watch it..:) haha freaky nga mxado eh..:)

Anyway, I love the show.. U really improved, swear..:) How does those worms taste? Did u really ate it?:) Before I forget pala, god bless on ur game this afternoon..:) I know dat u will win..;) Take care..:)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
simplytoogood17 said...

just droppin' bye to say congrats!!!! tc olways colonel!

Anonymous said...

congratulations on the win against u.e. just this afternoon! amdg!:)
you were so great(as always)!ü
too bad you had cramps during the latter part. good thing your team mates delivered very well especially that game-winning lay-up by Ryan Buenafe. he really has a great potential in him, he can even be the next Chris Tiu, who knows?:]
i am really thinking hard about the one you posted entitled "before there was Chris Tiu" written by Simon Paterno. hmp! who's that player? hmm. i'm thinking maybe you're gonna give the one who gets the right answer your jersey or something. haha! hmm:D
my mind's not working! err. haha. never mind.. well, congratulations to the one who'll get it right=)
i'm wishing, hoping & praying hard that i'd be able to watch one of your games live before the season comes to a close & before you graduate. i badly want your autograph & a pic w/ you. whew! it's never too late:)
the best of luck & good health to you always, my hero, my TIUperman!:]

Anonymous said...

Hi Chris,

You're very popular now, not only in hardcourt but also in primetime t.v. as shown in your UAAP games and in the high ratings of your new show, Ripleys :) CONGRATS! :)

Continue to be a role model to us youth 'coz you really inspire us Chris! Such talented and good person as you, deserves only the best in life.

So many people idolizes you not just teens from Ateneo but other teens from different universities also. As proven, when I watched the UAAP few weeks back, when you entered the hardcourt, I saw a lot of teens from different schools screamed and idolized you. Keep up the good work! :)

Do you have plans of entering showbiz?? I think you have a good potential if you do light comedy love story :) Know what, all of my friends think that you can portray the role of "Rain" in the remake of "Full House The Philippine Remake" A handsome serious type of guy. You and Marian Rivera looks good together :) Are you still single??

Anyways, really hope you'll be the one to portray that role since GMA is the one who'll do the said remake very soon.

Goodluck to your upcoming endeavors and More power to you Chris! :)

.~.7teentwenty4.~. said...

hi chris..! CRISEL again..c:
waaaaaaaaaaahhhh..!! i didn't able to watch your game yesterday against UE..! aaargh! haaai.. sabi na nga ba eh..kaya pala parang ayoko sumama sa ate ko kahapon sa shangri-la..haaaai..pero okay lang, kasi napa-record ko naman yun game kahapon hehehe..[buti na lang!! ;p] by the way, i saw your hanford billboard yesterday... WOW. [that's hot!] yun lang ang masasabi ko. natatawa nga sa akin yun ate ko kasi kahit lagpas na kame sa guadalupe eh hinahabol ko pa din ng tingin yun billboard mo haha! kahit ng pauwi na kame tinignan ko pa din hehe.. ;p CONGRATS!! 10-1 na!! yehey!! ang galing talaga!! c; make it 11-1 na ha? I hope thAt Ateneo will bring home the bacon this season. keep it up!!

God Bless always..


Anonymous said...

hi chris!!!great first episode...did you really eat the worms??
and you joked...!!haha

=,bianca59,= said...

++>>hanep nMn poh kuyah!!glng nyoh khpon sah laban nyo wid UE..i was really impressed..(n_n) galing nyo po talaga!!=)

++>>actually,,i'm not a fan of UAAP dati pero when i saw u played,,naging fan na po ako!!(di po 'to bola ah!!)

++>>actually nga po i thought u'll lost kahapon,,mangiyakiyak na nga po ako eh,,(arte eh noh,,heHE..pero actually po,,totoo un)pero nung nag-OT..i was really happy..tpos nung nanalo pa kau lalo po me naging happy!!(n_n)CONGRATULATIONS PO!!GONG XI!!OMEDETTO!!^_^

++>>i was worried nga po nung na-injured kau eh..ok lang po ba kau??=( hope u're fine..

++>>can't wait for your next game po!!^_^


++>>take care po and God bless!!

eLai said...

heLLo po!
alam mo bang, taga-USTe ako? i know naman na may hard fouls talaga ang players ng USTe(sa'yo!) kasi napanuod ko yung game...sana ok lang sa'yo yun, you know...sorry for that! ahmmm...masasabi ko lang na maganda talaga yung laro mo in that so great, i'm a fan of you, actually...but, my heart is for know...hindi kita pwedeng kampihan kapag kalaban n'yo ang USTe...pero i will support you pa rin with you're other games...hindi naman ako galit sa'yo dahil Atenista do your best in everything you do...may the Lord, God guide you all the way and... take care!!!...masyado ka kasing maraming ginagawa, eh..
-teriYaKi gURl

Anonymous said...

heLLo po!
alam mo bang, taga-USTe ako? i know naman na may hard fouls talaga ang players ng USTe(sa'yo!) kasi napanuod ko yung game...sana ok lang sa'yo yun, you know...sorry for that! ahmmm...masasabi ko lang na maganda talaga yung laro mo in that so great, i'm a fan of you, actually...but, my heart is for know...hindi kita pwedeng kampihan kapag kalaban n'yo ang USTe...pero i will support you pa rin with you're other games...hindi naman ako galit sa'yo dahil Atenista do your best in everything you do...may the Lord, God guide you all the way and... take care!!!...masyado ka kasing maraming ginagawa, eh...ingat lang!!!

-teriYaKi gURl

Anonymous said...

ang gulo ko noh...
-teriyaki gurl

dollyxzh said...

hi captain..
i wasn't able to watch you're pilot episode in ripley's but i had my tita (who is a year younger than me) tell me about it..

and about the worm thing..
i got surprised about that, same as everyone here who was curious about it..
but anyway, though i didnt watched it, i know it went well..

omedetto captain..
you look nice with eyeglasses..


Anonymous said...

By: Noel Asiñas

CONGRATS pala kay Chris Tiu dahil panalo si-ya sa ratings game sa first episode ng kanyang solo show, ang local version ng Ripley’s Believe It Or Not.

Ang taas ng ratings ng show niya kahit nasa late evening primetime ito. Naka-17.7 percent ang show niya.

Talagang may hatak na si Chris sa fans.

Iba na kasi ang no.1 player ngayon ng Ateneo Blue Eagle team.

Sa totoo lang, credible host si Chris.

Kahit Inglesero siya, bihasa na siya ngayong mag-Tagalog.

Dapat ay maging aktor na siya dahil guwapo talaga at matalino.

Kaya lang, ayaw niya.

Tama na raw sa kanya ang mag-host ng show.

Dahil sa taas ng ratings ng Ripley’s Believe It Or Not, tuwang-tuwa si Ali Nikum-Dedicatoria, ang program manager ng show.

* * *

Anonymous said...

hi chris congrats with ur achievements...just got home from araneta(after the game vs up)nice game captain.. i saw 3 of your billboards along edsa yesterday(gma-kamuning, annapolis greenhills, boni ave)actually its 4 including the tv monitor along guadalupe... good luck....god bless you..

=,bianca59,= said...

++>>wlah pah rn poh ung coMment koh until now??hmP =(

++>>anyweiz poh..CONGRATULATIONS!!u won kninah againts UP!!great job!!nxt is NU right??and then DLSU??

++>>GOSH!!good luck poh sah lhat ng lban nyoh!!I wish I go to Araneta to watch your game ksoh..UN NAH UN!!heHE

++>>bztah poh!!keep up the good work!!good luck on your games and on 'Pinoy Records' and 'Ripley's Believe It or Not' (lhat poh yhan pnpnood koh..heHE..)

++>>take care poh and God bless!!^_^

Anonymous said...

OMG! Volvo c30?! it's Edward Cullen's car in Twilight! you're so lucky!

Anonymous said...



ill watch every episode of Ripley's :)

Anonymous said...

ur so good in ripleys!!! :>

Anonymous said...

hi,im race

big fan mo ko.....

im from miriam...

i have seen u a lot...

i have called u alot...

u have snab me alot...
but i dont care...

im still ur fan...

pls add me on friendster....

search for race...

the picture there is my lil' sis...

im ur no. 32th fan!!!


aceept me for being ur fan...

u know my classmates always tease u tisue but i defend u...promise hope to dai just for u,my family,nick jonas,miranda cosgrove ,my friends AND SPECIALLY FOR OUR CREATOR,GOD.

plz accept me for who i am...

good luck !!!

love you (as a super duper fan)


plz dont forget add me one friendster

Gens Cuizon said...

just curious: if you'll be offered a better wholesome hosting show on abs cbn, are you gonna quit your ripley's and pinoy record thing?